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Page history last edited by sirexkat@... 13 years, 7 months ago





Library 2.0 and beyond: getting our hands dirty.


What is happening on the day?


  • Day starts at 9am for a 9:30 start in the State Library of W.A Lecture theatre
  • What is happening on the day 2008 - list of potential session topics and who can facilitate them
  • Practical jobs 2008 - list of jobs that need to be done and who can do them
  • Timetable August 22 2008 - draft list of venues and suggested session times. Topics to be allocated timeslots during the first session of the day.


Recording the event.


Not everyone can get to all sessions, so we'd appreciate it if you would add your notes on this page Session Notes 2008.


Please use this tag on Flickr, blog posts etc: unconfwalib08


Photos, audio and video will be taken during the unconference. If you do this, please use the material with respect.


Some of it will end up on this wiki, Flickr and as blog posts. Please tell people doing the recording if you don't want your image/audio/video on the net.







If you are interested in going out to dinner or can organise/suggest somewhere, please put your name on the Dinner 2008 list by about midday on Friday.




How do I register?



1. Put your details on the Registration 2008 page. Registrations are currently full! If you cannot attend please take your name off the list, and let one of the people on stand-by know.

2. Go to the What is happening on the day 2008 page or the Practical jobs 2008 to put your name down to do something.



When is it?

Date: 22 August 2008

Time: 9am for a 9:30am start to 5pm

And then: 6:30 - later, Dinner at a venue to be decided


Where is it?

Venue: State Library of Western Australia, We start the day in the lecture theatre, ground floor.G


Who is it for?

Anyone who works in a library, uses their library, thinks about libraries or wants to be part of the event. The venue only holds 75 people.


What is it?

An unconference works on the principle that whoever turns up is the right person and whatever you discuss is the right thing. People prepare topics, but sessions are decided on the day. Everyone is expected to participate by either presenting, joining in the discussion or doing another job. See what happened in 2007 at the archived page for the 2007 Library 2.0 on the Loose.



How much?



Free again this year.

Tea, coffee and bikkies are provided. Lunch of pizza is provided.


You will need to pay for your dinner.


Free wifi is available is most public areas of the library (excluding the Theatre) for more details see http://slwa.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/enablenet-free-wifi-at-the-state-library-of-wa/


Anything else?


Many thanks to the State Library of Western Australia for providing the venue.

Murdoch University Library, Notre Dame University Library, Curtin University Library, Edith Cowan University Library and The Local Government Librarians' Association of Western Australia (LocLib) are co-sponsoring lunch and refreshments.



You are welcome to join the 2008 Planning Group


Feel free to edit this wiki. Due to a spam attack, we ask that you email on of the contacts below for the password.


You can subscribe to the RSS feed for changes to this wiki or to the unconfwalib google group to receive unconference planning emails.





Kathryn Greenhill: k.greenhill@murdoch.edu.au

Hoi Ng: HNg@vicpark.wa.gov.au

Sue Cook: sue.cook@csiro.au

Constance Wiebrands: c.wiebrands@curtin.edu.au



Here is a page with information about Planning for National Library Camp 2011


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